

Happiness is easy if you can just stay in the “here and now.”  And that, of course, takes practice – constant, conscious practice. It’s easy to be dragged off into the “there and then” by the many distractions around us.  Obligations, real or imagined, bid for our attention and drain our energy.  Expectations (our own or others) set us up for disappointment.  At the root of all unhappiness, you’ll find fear and worry.

And, while few people spend every moment in the “here and now,” it’s definitely possible for any of us to spend increasingly more time there.  Give some of these practices a whirl.  And if you find others you’d like to share, let us know and we’ll consider adding them to the list.


Use the Twelve Pathways:

I know of no better guidance toward happiness than you’ll find in the Twelve Pathways from Ken Keyes’ Handbook To Higher Consciousness.  One way to use these pathways is to review them every day and evaluate just how well you managed to stick to them the previous day.

Another way is to read them when you’re upset about something.  Allow your mind to absorb the wisdom of these pathways and allow the unconditional love to restore your happiness.  Pick one or two that particularly apply and read them over and over ’til you feel at peace.

An even better thing is to memorize them so they are always available to you.  Find them here

Declare Random Acts of Kindness Day:

“Kindness is an inner desire that makes us want
to do good things even if we do not get anything
in return. It is the joy of our life to do them. When
we do good things from this inner desire, there
is kindness in everything we think, say, want and do.”

Emanuel Swedenborg

This is a great day to take initiative to lighten somebody’s load. Go out of your way to help somebody, or just spread joy.  If you see somebody parked overtime, put some money in the meter.  Pay for the person behind you at the toll booth. Just smile and be nice to the person in the express checkout lane with too many items.  Surely you can think of even more, and when you remain aware, the Universe will present you with plenty of opportunities.

Then come back here and tell us about it in the forum.  There’s a special place for Random Acts of Kindness and you might give somebody else a good idea… or get one for yourself.

Peace of Mind  –  Relax your mind:  

This is a great way to start the day and it’s really special if you have a comfortable place to do it outside. Take a cup of coffee or other beverage to a favorite spot at home.  Give yourself 5, 10, maybe even 20 minutes and stick to it. Sit quietly, let your mind relax and go wherever it takes you. If you find yourself focusing on a particular problem or issue, take a deep breath and release the thoughts.  Don’t resist thinking, but be in a state of release as much as possible. Watch your thoughts drift by.

No News Is GREAT News:

No doubt you bathe regularly to clear away any dust and dirt that may have collected on your body as you go through the day.  Our Spiritual Practice for today is a simple one, but often one of the most difficult.  Give your mind a bath and consciously think only positive thoughts.

Nothing churns up the mind like the News of the Day, so your assignment for today is to give the news a day off. Don’t read a newspaper today, not even the funnies. Don’t watch a TV news or politics show.  Don’t listen to radio news, or discuss events with friends. No matter what happens today, it’ll still be there tomorrow and you can get all disturbed about it then.  Meanwhile, give it a rest and let your mind relax.  Relax and flow and if you notice yourself caught in the negativity web, just gently move away from the thoughts and picture bunnies.

See?  You feel better already.